Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Death of Martin Luther King's Dream in the Election of Barak Obama

In Martin Luther King's famous speech he said that he had a vision that someday a man would be judged by the content of his character and not by the color of his skin.

In all the hype about Obama's election to the highest office in our land. I noticed how this vision of Mr. Kings had failed; although everyone heralded it as the fulfillment of it. Why do I say this? Because all the hype is about the fact the he is an African American and their is no talk about his character. That to me is the opposite of what Mr. King envisioned.

I've also noticed this same failure in Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the US Supreme Court. Again, all the talk is about her ethnicity and not her character.

This is a disturbing trend that I have noticed. We as a people no longer think in categories of right and wrong but in categories of race, rich, poor, weak and strong. We think in terms of social justice, leveling the playing field, taking from the rich and giving it to the poor. We think it's OK to elevate an African American and put down the white male because he is the one with too much power and wealth. It is class warfare with a vengeance because it disguises it's self as tolerant and culturally sensitive while doing the very thing it condemns, discriminates. It sounds eerily similar to the Communist view of society and I think we have bought into it. So next time you listen to the news or read the paper notice the silence about right and wrong; And the things that really matter like character. And listen to the noise of the class warfare. Were it is all about the color of a man's skin and not the content of his character.