Monday, November 19, 2007

Are you born again ?

In recent studies the Barna Group has determined that Born Again Christians are no different from the world. Is it possible for someone to change and not change? The Barna Group would say yes, but the New Testament clearly says no. John Piper has started a series on defining what the New Testament means by born again or regenerate. Here is a quote from the first installment, to read the whole article and follow along as he explores this topic, click here.

The New Testament Moves the Opposite Direction

I’m not saying their research is wrong. It appears to be appallingly right. I am not saying that the church is not as worldly as they say it is. I am saying that the writers of the New Testament think in exactly the opposite direction about being born again. Instead of moving from a profession of faith, to the label “born again,” to the worldliness of these so-called born again people, to the conclusion that the new birth does not radically change people, the New Testament moves the other direction. It moves from the absolute certainty that the new birth radically changes people, to the observation that many professing Christians are indeed (as the Barna Group says) not radically changed, to the conclusion that they are not born again. The New Testament, unlike the Barna Group, does not defile the new birth with the worldliness of unregenerate, professing American Christians. Quoted from John Piper at


Anonymous said...

Being born again.... could a born again Christian get cut off in traffic, and curse and let the other that they are # 1... you bet. Being born again does not mean you are perfect. There are mature Christians, and inmature Christians. Many Christians are flesh like and wordly at times...

Amore's dad

Robert said...

Yes, those who are truly regenerate do fall into sin but they don't live in it. The truly regenerate make war with the flesh not friendship with it. The mark of a true Christian is one who is broken over his sin and is quick to repent when confronted with it.

Reese said...

Hmmm you know the only problem I have with the flesh is when I believe it separates me from everything outside of me.

An emergence from one womb to another more encompassing, a second birth from confining enslavement to open empowerment in the likeness of God in fulfillment of his amazing creation.

In Genesis, God didn't look at Adam and Eve's flesh that he created as a horrible enemy. Even the fall had nothing to do with the flesh; it had to do with the desire of gnosis and what was God like being convinced deceptively that something powerful had been kept from it and could be discovered from eating of the gnostic tree. Yet at the same time while one tree caused a schism the tree next to it restored the schism.

Is the flaming sword a threat or a beacon lighting the way back?

Crazy brother whose comments never get posted.

Robert said...


Three thoughts.

First, Flesh in scripture is a reference to human nature, not the physical body. The incarnation is a testament of what God thinks about the physical body.

Second, The fall was primarily a challenge to the word and authority of God. Note the first words from the serpent:

“Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?”

By rejecting the authority of Scripture, twisting what it says and promoting another view of God, you stand with the serpent.

Thirdly, A sword in scripture is a sign of God's judgment. So a flaming sword would be a threat.

And finally, you really should go through that study of John Piper's on what it means to be born again.

Reese said...

How can a trick be a challenge?

The serpent tricked the pair according to the Judeo-Christian story. Adam and Eve were deceived by the most cunning spiritual force in existence.
It hardly was Adam and Eve challenging God directly.
The serpent asked what the rules were and convinced them that God was keeping something from them.

"you stand with the serpent"
Is exactly how millions of Jews were killed in Germany in ways that only hell could unleash. The most hellish wars that kill man, woman and child are waged by the religious who feel they are superior and on the right side. Be wary this is not the way.

You need to be aware that in your deciding who stands on what side and feeling you have been given authority to judge others--the serpent has you fooled.

The plank in my own eye is thick and maybe your own is but that is for you to discern for I can not see and know better to judge in such blindness.

Peace to you my brother in God.

Robert said...


You are simply mistaken about what you claim as the cause of war. Facts tell us that it is the same twin sisters that always cause war, Greed and Covetousness. It is about economics and power not religion.

Also it is not I who says who does or does not stand with the serpent, it is God himself through his word.

About that plank in your eye, do what Jesus says, take it out and then you can properly judge.

Lastly, read Genesis 3 carefully, the serpent doesn't ask what God has said, he distorts it. And invites them to join his rebellion against God. remember this is deception. When God tells you one thing and you do another, that is a clear challenge to His authority, It is cosmic treason. All of creation obeys the command of God, except one part, Man and the fallen angels.