Saturday, January 19, 2008

Pick me please

With the presidential campaign in full swing, I have two thoughts. I'm glad we don't run campaigns like some do around the world. Picture if you will this headline; radical supporters of Hillary Clinton bombed a public gathering injuring dozens today. Her campaign headquarters endorsed the action, saying vote for Hillary or we'll bomb you too. But I'm a little, ok a lot, worried about how we do it here. We tend to fall off the other side of the horse and be to casual about it and not give it much thought. How did the people in Iowa and New Hampshire decide so quickly? Which brings me to my point. What is it that we should look for in a candidate? Some would argue that it is their position on a particular issue. Others would say that it is what the candidate promises they will do or not do once in office. But I and others would say it is something else. I don't think those first two options are good for several reasons. Let's use Obama and Ron Paul as examples here. Both men are on opposite ends of the spectrum here, but appeal to the same thing; promise. One promises what he will do, solve all our problems by government intervention, Obama. The other promises that he will solve all our problems by limiting government, Paul. So what is wrong with promises? One word, Congress. You may have all the good intentions in the world but you have to work with other people who disagree with you. And these people probably don't think your idea is a good one. Which is the beauty of our government. So basing your decision on promises that most likely will not see the light of day is not a good plan. And what's wrong with issues or values? same thing. Ideally our government works on the art of persuasion, the best idea wins, as opposed to coercion. It is a system of checks and balances designed to keep all parties in check. We have a plethora of agendas and ideas in the political field and all are competing for a place at the table. So we have to make it fair for all parties involved, equal under the law. That is the American way. However, that is not to say all ideas or agendas are equally valid. A mistake that is to easily made. We must debate the ideas and views and let the best idea win. Which is why I and others look for character in a candidate. I like to put myself across the table, if you will, and imagine what it would be like to negotiate with this person. How would they come across and would I be able to work with them. Is it their way or the highway? If I was a foreign leader, how would the exchange be? would it be like working with Homer Simpson? The fact is we all have to work with people and the better we do it, the better results we get. We need someone who is a statesman, a diplomat and a leader. Someone who knows the limits of his office and works within them. A candidate like this is more likely to actually accomplish something. What about the issues and values? These things naturally flow from a good character. So a candidate who has good character will get their job done and be right on the main issues. However, this is a little harder to judge than promises or issues. I can look at a candidates claims but I can't see their heart. This requires that I actually know the person and have worked with them. Voting records give us a limited view in this area. I think the best measure we have is what their colleagues say about them. Which takes work and time. Here is a great article I came across this morning on that sheds some light on this. Click here to read it .


Aimee said...

Well said, Robert.

Reese said...


Where have you been sleeping?
Do you know what a "signing order" is"
Congress votes at the peoples demand to outlaw-make criminal-practicing torture.
The president writes a signing order and doesn't comply with Congress or the Constitution.
President Bush has written more signing orders than any other president.
Immediately following 911 his group overturned 800 years of law and placed the president/king above the law.
The Executive Branch can seize you at any time, any place and doesn't have to produce any charges for years and can torture you in that time if they deem it necessary and you have no rights to appeals through due process.
This is why the presidency is important because it has seized power unconstitutionally and needs to be restored by a STATESMAN like Ron Paul who has committed for 30 years limiting himself to the powers granted in the Constitution and defending it.
Solemnly swearing to defend the Constitution while taking an oath on the bible to do so isn't lip service to him but 30 years of faithful devotion to his oath.
Ron Paul 2008 a president under the law once again.

Reese said...

Thank you for posting my comment.

Love ya bro

Kehrle said...

Robert you are wrong about Paul. He does not make promises. He makes statements, truthful statements about the state of our country and he has 20 years! of voting to back up where he stands. Check his congressional record. We should vote on candidate for their integrity, responsibility and their demonstration of adherence to the constitution. Ron Paul is the only candidate that fits that bill. Every other candidate is out to sell us down the river into slavery and kill us off in wars that we should not ever started. Do your research on Ron Paul. Do your research on the others and you will find them more crooked than you can imagine. Don't ever compare him to a liar like Obama who is bought and paid for by the elite. He is a statesman and has integriuty and honesty.

Kehrle said...

Ron Paul is the statesman. See what people are saying about him, listen to the man speak. He is far moer intelligent, conservative, respectful in his little pinkie than John McCain. A man's actions are a reflection of the person. I say look to the actions of what McCain has done and you will see what a poor character he is. Find the articles of John McCain being beligerent and foul mouthed to colleagues. You will not find one on Ron Paul. Look at the debates and see what kind of nonsense McCain speaks and what sense Ron Paul speaks. Open your eyes, do your own research don't just take my word on it. You are on the internet look the information up. Don't buy into mainstream media articles because they won't tell you the whole truth.

Robert said...


Oh, now you believe in true and false, right and wrong. And you are actually trying to persuade me. I like it :)

However I think we need to show some restraint in the conclusions we draw from the facts. The worst possible scenario might be with in the realm of possibility, but not necessarily the most reasonable conclusion.

I can't vote for someone who thinks we should surrender in a war we are winning.

Claudia said...

Robert I went to that townhall site. I'd been there once before, and thought I would puke. What a bunch of bold faced lies! His voting record totally contradicts what they are saying. He sided with Ted Kennedy to try to eliminate the first amendment to the Constitution. Not that the Constitution is considered valid anymore. But still. I don't mean to be rude but John McCain is by no means even remotely a conservative, definitely not even an American and he will tax you beyond the grave. That townhall site, statist propaganda. Sorry I've been around to long to see through that stuff. Neo-con manipulation all selling us down the same river. I'm not going, I'm already understanding all to well what the average German citizen felt like during the rein of Hitler.