Saturday, October 3, 2009

God Bless the whole World?

While I was sitting at a stop light the other day I read a bumper sticker that at first seemed really nice but on further reflection made my stomach turn. The bumper sticker read, God bless the whole world, no exceptions.Now that sounds very nice and loving doesn't. I mean God should bless the whole world, not just America right. So what's wrong with that you ask. The trouble lies in the word bless. So I ask, what does it mean for God to "bless" something? In short it's like putting His stamp of approval on something. God looks at something and says, that's good, I like that and I want to support and encourage that kind of behavior.

So if we take that definition and reread the bumper sticker we have got a serious problem don't we. In short it means that if God were to look at the world He would like what he sees and declare it "good" That means all the wars, murder, rape,lying, adulteries, death, disease, abortions, stealing, theft and corruption God looks at and says, That's good, I like that and I want to support and encourage that kind of behavior. So this nice sounding bumper sticker turns out to be an indictment of God. In short it says God likes evil and approves of it. But does He? If God is good and just what should His response be to the World and America when he looks at it? I'll look at that in my next post and reflect a little on the problem of evil which ask the question; If God is good and all powerful why is there evil in the world?

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