Monday, December 14, 2009

What's So Bad About Worship?

Below is a comment I posted on in regard to a conversation titled; What we think we know about God and not-God. The issue of worship was being discussed, so I weighed in on it. This is what I wrote;

Hope you both don't mind if I drop in. I can't figure out your objection to worship. You both seem to be hostile to the concept and I can't figure out why.

Worship to me seems to be a natural reflex of the human spirit to something that inspires awe. For example; As a kid I was into stunt riding bicycles, I was just a punk kid riding around. But some were professionals and man could they do some really cool stunts. When I watched them, I was in awe. I wanted to be just like them; you might say I worshiped them. In fact I did. Worship to me seems like something we do all the time to all sorts of things. People worship actors, musicians, sports figures, money, fame, sex, and power: just to list a few. So that's why I can't figure out the objection. It seems to be just a natural reflex of the human spirit.

So therefore it would only seem reasonable to have this response to the one who spoke everything into existence by the word of His mouth; that is awe inspiring just to think about. Our just think what you would have to know about chemistry to make a human being and then think what it takes to take that concept and write into a DNA code. And that's just small things. What does it take to set the heavens into motion and set up everything just right so that life is possible on earth. And make it in such a way that a man can stand on the surface of earth and see the heavens. That is mind blowing and all I can think of to say is; whoa! that's awesome.

If you can look at the inner workings of a cell, see the world around you and gaze into the heavens and not fall down in worship to the one who made it all; something is amiss. And that is exactly what you'd expect to find if the Bible is true.

Now to the title of your conversation. God by definition is transcendent. Therefore if we are to know anything about God it will because He chooses to reveal Himself to us. There is no way we can come to know Him by our efforts. So the question becomes; has He spoken? Seeing that He can write the blueprints for very complex creatures, like humans, in DNA: I doubt He would have a hard time communicating something simple to us.

So to answer the question (and rephrase it) What we know about God only comes through His general revelation and special revelation. Apart from that, we are in the dark and without hope of every knowing. But praise be to God who has given us minds so that we may know Him by understanding His revelation to us. And it would seem that it was designed in such a way that we might have something in common so that there might be some point of contact and some means of communication. Hence why I think humans worship and are the only creatures who do.

So I would say were are designed to worship. And I would also say that there is a proper and improper object of worship. Our creator would be the proper and creation would be the improper. That is something I think we can know by the simple use of reason.

Final thought; I believe in God for the same reason I believe in the mailman. I may never see the mailman but by the sheer fact that there is mail in my mailbox I know there must be a mailman. Likewise; when I walk out my front door and see something instead of nothing I know there must be a cause sufficient to explain the effect. And that cause must be an uncaused cause with the power of being in and of itself; otherwise there would be nothing. And please don't tell me the cosmos have always existed like Carl Sagan did. Because the cosmos would have burned themselves out a long time ago the way they are set up. Or to put it another way; everything would have gone cold and black a long time ago.

To check your worship function check out the following DVD's;

Unlocking the Mystery of Life

The Privileged Planet

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